
I'm always thirsty these days

I didn't really want to wake up this morning seeing that my shoulders felt strangely sore through out the night. bah. Went to the gym around 9:30 (o_o.). It actually felt pretty nice working out that early. Had some REALLY yummy tiramisu and this cake shop in Berkeley. It inspires me to make another batch of tiramisu sometime soon. I want to get the almond version of it next time. Went back to pack my stuff and headed home. The weather was really nice today in SF so I went out and walked a little bit and got some garlic noodles. yumyumyum. Watched some Bones and took a nice nap.

I gotta make sure to do some quality studying during the Thanksgiving break and OMG KIDS WOOT. Too bad I'm too tall for this -_-

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