
How am I supposed to look at you in the eye and tell you everything's okay? It's not. But I appreciate the gesture.

Today's physio lecture was ridiculous. After 10 minutes of lecture, we did evaluations for the two professors and GSIs with the professor still in the room, which took like 20 minutes. Once we started lecture again, his macbook battery died and he had to run back to LSA to get his charger. All in the mean time, these two girls behind Phil and I were chatting away during lecture and this one girl kept unintentionally kicking my chair. If you're going to keep chatting during lecture then what is the fucking point of showing up? UGH

To top it all off, there was a 'forever alone' meme drawn on the chalkboard.
Best. Morning. Ever.



I am so fucking distracted right now.


You know, I'm totally fine with studying the Chinese portion of tea because I'm pretty familar with all the dynasties and the history of China but the Japanese section is like WTF. Why does tea have to be so philosophical for you people?! BAHHHHHHHH

Everytime I read about Furuta Oribte makes me think of Juan Uribe and think, "UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUBRIBE' in my head.
//end rant.


1st in Womens Championship
1st in Mens Championship
1st in Sprints
2nd in Div A (Cal 1)
2nd in Div B (Cal2)

To spend one night to really gather all the thoughts I have on this day and just comparing it to all the past races is really not enough. Every time I think about how far we've gone from that dreaded day at College cup just brings tears to my eyes.
To those who have been on this team for a while now, I thank you all for all the amazing memories. I can't imagine how life would be like without calDB.
Saying 'I Love You' to you all really isn't enough Cal.

On another note, winning the Women's final and then immediately drumming the men's final (which we won) was perhaps one of the most epic experiences I've ever had with regards to paddling.

luke: you have done a tremendous job jen, in the end the story of this team's revival is about you, ED, phil, vincent, jas, not me or the canadian
me: no i'm pretty sure you're included in this
without you, our team would have never been able to get that bump or i guess
douchiness. we needed it. lol
luke: hahaha i might have helped add a bit of swagger, but really your generation led this
me: hahah
thanks luke
that really means a lot
luke: im glad, you deserve so much credit
you have been the one constant in all of this
me: lol
i'm just amazed at how far this team has gone
luke: yeah it been quite the change, last in everything, to first in all of it
talk about a turnaround hahaha
Seriously. What an epic fucking turnaround.



"I think it's a woman thing: We're taught that there are some things that you should never say to a man-- never expose your flaws, never explain your fears, and certainly never ask for anything more. ..
I've asked friends going through difficult relationship times if they ever talk to their partner about their desires and fears and what they want out of said relationship, and I've gone through that same process of being guilty of not doing it, too. We women never say these things, because we like you so much that if it doesn't go over well, we don't want to lose you or the relationship totally, because as very wise yet very desperate people once said, something is better than nothing. But how much of "something" is better than us feeling like we're taken by our partners as a "nothing"? "
Swallowing your pride and fear to say things like these can be difficult, but it has to be done. Just like how you can't get mad at someone for doing something if you've never spoken to them about it, you also can't expect things to change or get better or magically rectify themselves if you never bring the issue up.
The writer of this blog is my hero. It amazes me how she writes so well, has gone through a lot of experiences and is as old as I am. A highly recommended blog to read if you're a girl and you want some advice or entertainment. :)

On another note, really SF? Seriously? Removing the happy meal toy isn't going to help as much as having GOOD PARENTING SKILLS on teaching what your kid should or shouldn't eat. I loved getting the happy meal toys when I was little, especially the beanie baby ones. This is just like banning junk foods in SF high schools. SO DUMB.



You can definitely tell when it's midterm season when the living room and the hallways of dragonhouse are quiet at night. Normally, we're all either watching some random TV show (or ESPN) or the guys in dhouse resort to playing smash. Anyways, I finished my second round of midterms last week so I've been just vegging out but it feels weird that everyone else is engrossed with studying at the moment. I feel like Jay. harhar.

Have you ever had any moments where the food you make just makes you happy because it reminds you of home? This is one of them :).
Seeing that it was Tuesday, I was feeling pretty creative and noticed I had some frozen fish/shrimp and bokchoy laying around. I decided to go and make a dish with it, something that my parents usually make or buy at a restaurant. I got some rice wine (YEAHHHH 21. Though the guy at Berkeley bowl didn't card me and I kind of wished he did) mixed it in some cornstarch w/ soy sauce and marinated the seafood. Then chopped up some garlic, ginger and green onion which was sauteed with oil. Anyways, I made stir fry Seafood bokchoy and RICE. Yes. Rice. Are you shocked as I am?