

I actually don't know why or when my interest in Chinese Medicine really started. To come to think of it, maybe it was when I started noticing the different types of soups and herbal concoctions that my grandmother or my mom used to make.
-This one would reduce hot air
-drink this and you will increase your appetite!
-drink this and you will get taller!

Yeah well, the last one apparently didn't really work out for me that much but it was just interesting to think of these things that weren't mentioned in Western medicine; where it seems to focus on the body as specified compartments and treating the body by only targeting the symptom In Chinese medicine, it compasses the body as whole, the concept of yin and yang and whether the body is in balance/harmony. TCM treats the body by diagnosing the source of the problem.When my dad got sick, he would take these herbs prescribed by a TCM practitioner in addition to the radiation and chemotherapy. These herbs, wrapped in a simple white sheet of paper consisted of the most random-est things; wood, leaves, and even a dead bee. Whether these herbs really worked by killing off the cancerous cells or help reduce the damaging effects of chemotherapy, it seemed like it was helping him significantly. I think it was at that point where I was really curious to see whether other cancerous patients knew of such a thing that could potentially assist them through out the process.
Since the beginning of elementary school, I've always had an interest in anything that was related to China. I remember always going to the library and specifically looking out for videos or books that would talk about Chinese New Year or the Lunar Festival because it encompassed their culture. It really made me proud to be Chinese, or rather an Asian, especially since I was practically one of the few, if not, only Asian girl in a school full of white people. As much as I hated moving to San Francisco back then, I enjoyed being immersed in a culture so rich. Maybe that's why I've become so 'fobby'.
That reminds me of this quiz that tested how 'Asian are you'.
What's interesting enough is that I've met pretty much all types of Asians that were enlisted on the site above, probably from simply growing up in SF and coming here.

And where do I belong to? Although I'd have some qualities enlisted in 'tab' i.e. I like sanrio, weigh less than 105 and LOVE (or at least used to) platform shoes (to make me taller of course XD).
I'd like to classify myself as fobulous. =)

Ever since I came to Berkeley, it sort of bothers me whenever I see or meet an Asian who has no idea of their what their culture is about. I've been so used to growing up around people who knew different kinds of Asian pop stars, sings, dramas, food and it's strange now to meet someone to doesn't know these things.

Okay yeah I'm going off tangent from what I originally wanted to talk about but now that I have to head off to dinner, I shall finish this thought later.

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