
Love me don't leave me

I've said it multiple times already but...

Thank you so much for the wonderful dinner and the DVD. <3
The restaurant was gorgeous and the food was delicious. Too bad we didn't try to order any wine (harhar) but the free champagne was really nice. It was the first time anyone has ever taken me out to a place that fancy and I felt bad for not dressing up as nice as I should have for the occasion.
I wished there was more pasta though. =| it was really good. yumyumyum.

DVD consisted of everything I wished for. I've always wanted someone to sing that song and I presume that you've noticed since I always have this huge smile whenever I hear it. ^^. At first, I thought the DVD didn't work after I played it once but luckily it did work after my computer restarted. (I would've been pretty sad if it didn't work)

Thank you Bao Bei for the Best Valentines Day ever. <3

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