
day 05 – a song that reminds you of someone

To choose only one song kind of pains me because there are just so many to choose from that reminds me of so many people.

Muse-Plug in Baby

There are actually a couple songs that reminds me of this person (probably from the same band too. HAH.) The reason why I chose this song is because this is one of the first songs I've ever listened to that was from Muse, which I THINK is his favorite band in the whole wide world..not so sure though. he's not very subtle with it and doesn't really talk about it like every single day. Anyways, I could distinctly remember the adrenaline rush with this song blasting in the car after a really nice dinner date at Noodle Theory during the beginning of Sophomore year. :]. Very memorable.

Do you think it would be on the next Twilight soundtrack? HAHA jk.

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