

s2 s2

As you can tell by the title, Pretty and Fatty are back temporarily because we are cat sitting for Nicole since she's going to be off with her family during the weekend. Fatty is becoming more like a dog and her fur makes her look like she has thunder thighs when she sits up (it also doesn't help that her name is 'fatty'; she really isn't! she's just big furred). Anyways, fatty lets out a small growl whenever a doorbell rings or senses someone is trying to enter the apt. I'm also trying to teach her fetch because she's been returning the nerf dart to me most of the time whenever i throw the dart away from her. bwhah.

Today is also my sister's birthday yay! it's crazy how she's 11 now. Oh to be 11 years old again, almost right before that period of awkwardness that many kids go through. I swear I wasn't that weird when I was her age though...REALLY.

Being with the cats reminds me of the times when I was back in Ohio playing with my kitty.

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