
Cal Dragonboat through the past three years

Time always flies by so quickly before you know it. Our team still does not have a website up yet (*sigh*) but I felt the need to post this up.

2007-2008 School Year

Treasure Island

*Missing! Can't seem to find a picture* =/ I don't even know if we even took a picture….

Lake Merced College Race

Boat 1: C Division 2nd place (?)

Boat 2: C Division 4th place (?)

*Note: I'm not completely sure about where we placed at that race because the race results weren't even posted on the CDBA website and I'm quite sure we didn't really want to remember that race ever again..*

Paragon Point Redwood City Race

Cal Paddling Bears

Division B 4th place

Paddle For Life

*Note: We won something. I just don't remember what. Will know soon though. Also, BABY WILLIAM LOOKS SO YOUNG O_O*

ViewSonic Long Beach Dragonboat Competition

Cal Paddling Bears

College Division B 2nd Place

Mixed Division IV: 5th Place

2008-2009 School Year

Treasure Island

Bear Force 1

Recreation A Division: 2nd Place (by 0.04 seconds)

College Race: 3rd

*Note: For most of the team, this was the first time they had ever received a medal. After that, we were determined to earn hardware at every race*

College Race

Bear Force 1/Cal Dragonboat

Boat 1: Division B 2nd Place

Boat 2: Division C: 4th place

Baby Long Beach

500 m
Boat 1: Disqualified..in the semi..=(
Boat 2: ?

200 m
Boat 1: 3rd place in Finals
*Note: A VERY emotional day*
Paragon Point Redwood City Race

Bear Force 1:

Division B: 2nd Place

College cup: 3rd

Fremont Sprints

Place: 4th?

*Note: Meh. *

View Sonic Long Beach Festival

Cal Dragonboat

College Division B: 1st place

2009-2010 School Year

Treasure Island

Cal Dragonboat

Competitive B: 2nd place

College: 1st Place

College Race

Boat 1: Division B: 1st place
Boat 2: Division C: 3rd place
Baby Long Beach

500 M:Cal 1: 3rd Place

200 M: Cal 1: 3rd place

Paragon Point Redwood City
Division A: First Place

College: ?

*To be Continued..*

It's crazy seeing how much our team has changed with just a few pictures, especially this year. This past race has been unbelievable. We've got our first taste of being best of the best. Our greatest challenge now is to make sure to keep it going but never forgetting where we came from.

4 Notes:

Unknown said...

i thought we got 1st in college B for the '09 long beach race. i distinctly remember getting a gold medal at the following T.I. race

Unknown said...

im thoroughly impressed with how far we've come along, and how close we've gotten these past few years.

omnitofu said...

I'm making the website again! >.<

junsufairy said...

That's amazing stuff right there :) whoa in the paddle for life pic, that one kid in the middle was at my house yesterday! Lol. wow. Cal DB has really grown.