

Even though it's been three years since high school graduation, I am so shocked at how different people are like now. I only recently found out that there's a girl I knew of as an acquaintance has recently become an import model...which I find to be very shocking. I will note that it makes me realize that makeup+photography skills really does wonders on a person in comparison to how they look like in real life. It's also strange to hear of random people you know hooking up all of a sudden or even, possibily having a BABY. Time sure flies and people sure do change.
I guess that could be said about myself as well.

Woke up, read a couple of chapters from 'bonk', ate some of the baked mac and cheese that i made last night (yumyum! will post up picture later), then went to the YMCA to work out. Browsed around Ross+rite aid +random stores on Geary afterwards and in the middle of it, I found a wobbuffet doll. haha =). I then picked up my sister from school and went back to play a little bit of Little Big Planet. Then I went to Hot pot. I'm slightly sad that there were no Octopii =(. We also went to My Favorite Cafe and I found out different ways how guys rank/check out girls.
I want a wobbuffet hat. hahahahah.

1 Notes:

Anonymous said...

Hey, Patricia and I were talking about how much people have changed and yet are still the same! :D

And lawl, I like how you carefully worded that "makeup+photography skills really does wonders". Lololololloolololfuglypersonloololollol.