
Raining cats and dogs!

Yesterday I woke up for my dentist appointment. I met up with Tiff first before heading out because she had just finished her dentist appointment earlier and was near my house so we justwent to Chinatown together. It was quite funny hearing her story about how she called
multiple people by accident just to try to get to me (because her phone's screen is broken). lolol. Anyways, we took the 1 California together and MAN! For someone who used to take the 1 all the time to get to school, we haven't noticed how many different shops there are now on California street. Anyways, arrived in Chinatown and went to my dentist appointment. It was pretty quick. Yay for no cavities! We then met with one of Tiff's friends (quite a funny story with that..*cough*) and got pho, which was nice seeing that we used to get pho ALL THE TIME. Anyways, I had to meet up with my mom to get new contacts (YES). Turns out that the contacts that I had been were an extremely old brand, which was why I had a lot of problems with it. I then met up with Tiff again at Downtown and we shopped around for her boots. We got these REALLY cute pair of boots at ALDO that we kind of..uhh splurged but it's okay. We justified for it. haha.=P OH We went into Metropark and I found my minitrench coat that was on sale!!! BUT THERE WERE NO EXTRA SMALLS OR SMALLS IN IT! T_T. I checked online to see if they might have it but ITS SOLD OUT. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! Q__Q. I knew I should have gotten it in Vegas when I had the chance. AHHHH

Today while I woke up for my morning run, I saw this middle aged Asian man dressed in your typical 'chinese grandpa clothing' with a hat, jacket, slacks and some loafers running. I thought he was in a hurry to catch the bus but it turned out that he was working out. It was an interesting site. But then again, when you think about it, what does a typical SF middle aged Chinese man dress in to work out anyways? Then ED came over and we hung out. YAY! =). We played a little big of Little Big Planet and then we went to the park that I usually run to and saw lots of doggies! It was pretty funny to watch because there were all these big dogs playing around with
the lady (I think she was a dog trainer) and there was this little tiny terrier playing along with them.
I guess you can't really see how big/many the dogs were there but looking at the terrier run and
try to play with them reminded me of myself. -_-. Story of my life. Sort of. It was really cute though.
After that we went to the Mission District to have some yummy paella and Shrimp + Spicy Potato tapas! yay! In the process, we saw a lot of dogs walking by. It was quite strange to see so many.

We then went on a random side trip to the SPCA for the hell of it and I am so impressed in how well their facility is kept, in comparison to the San Francisco shelter. The cats were SO adorable. We had such a hard time resisting from adopting them. and oh my god. One of the cats there was a Persian and looked/reminded me so much of my old cat, which made me slightly sad. There was also a himalayan cat that was so BEAUTIFUL right next to the Persian. SIGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. We also saw this cat that looked really cool. It was white with gray spots that were striped. It was like a triple feature cat or something! haha
Unfortunately, I didn't really find the dog section of the shelter as amazing as the cats, partly because I think there are less dogs around and there weren't as many staff attending to them (I guess there's not so much of a need). We saw these two dogs humping each other though. Quite an awkward site to catch. lulz.
Anyways, I wish I could adopt all the kitties/dogs and give them
a good home to stay in, especially the older cats. Now that I think about it, when I grow older and have the means of being able to take care of a pet by myself, I wouldn't mind adopting an older cat first. They're generally easier to take care of anyways. A while back, I was looking on givesmehope.com and there was a post of story about this 13 year old girl who chose to adopt the oldest cat in the shelter because she felt he deserved a second chance. I found that story to be extremely admirable. But yes. I would love to adopt pets. I don't know how many times I've wished that my grandfather would be alright with having a cat in our SF home, there's always
drama about my dad keeping fishes and they're not even that much of a disturbance.
SIGHHHHH After going to the SPCA, I'm really glad that fatty and pretty are still around and that the SF SPCA is so well kept, especially for them to have so much space for the cats to live in. I've been wanting to volunteer there for a while now but unless I start driving, I don't think I can really have the means of transportation to get there. The Berkeley SPCA currently do not accept any stray cats, which is very unfortunate and there are many shelters that will euthanize cats if they do not get adopted for a certain amount of time. =(. To think that pretty and fatty are safe together right now makes me really happy.

When I grow up I want a cat and a dog to live and play with each other. ^^
Maybe more. bwhah.

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