I came back from Vegas today after sitting in a car ride that lasted forever *sigh*. I'm at a state where I'm tired but not tired enough to go to sleep. I hate it when that happens. Anyways. Vegas was fun. Though I don't think I have ever wished I was 21 so badly until then. I didn't take as many pictures as I wanted to because I realized my camera was running out of batteries and I forgot to bring my chargerback from Berkeley. Fail.
I spent most of my time in the car playing pokemon red (I think thats what its name was) on my old gameboy color. Actually, I kind of took it from my sister because I started to get bored from looking out the window and what was initially a matter of helping my sister level up her pokemon turned to be a three hour journey through Kanto. :D I also realized that after 10 years, my gameboy color is still running as well as it did when I bought it from my earnings of completing worksheets that my mom assigned in elementary school.
I also have a new found addiction/love to Orbit strawberry mint through out the car ride.
I don't think the Berkeley dining shops have this gum, either that or I just haven't noticed it. But ITS SO GOOD!
There were a lot of amazing stores and attractions in Vegas. It really made me wish I had a lot of money to splurge on (and that, once again, I was 21).
I went to the Bodies exhibit in the Luxor casino and it was AWESOME. It consisted of an exhibit of all the body systems shown through various parts of cadavers. My sister got kind of freaked out halfway but I thought it was really cool that I completely understood the descriptions in the displays because of Anatomy and Bio lab. It also made me sad that I didn't take anatomy class as seriously as I should have and once again, makes me wish that Professor Diamond was teaching....
There were also a lot of expensive restaurants, like this one french restaurant that contains a sample menu of $300. Then again, the restaurant contains three michelin stars.
Yay Fleur De Lys at Mandalay Bay in Las Vegas! Hubert Keller ftw. <3
Believe it or not,the food above cost $20. Such a rip off. It was this Asian mall food restaurant (for the lack of better words) at the food court in MGM that had this really pretty display where you get to choose the vegetables and meat that you want. I picked Flank steak + shrimp with a bunch of different veggies. The people then combine it together in a wok and out comes '$20 worth of food'. My dad paid for it because he saw me staring at the place because I wanted to see if it was actually legit or not. ><; My dad then went off on how I could easily cook the same dish and now wants me to cook dinner with 3 dishes+ soup starting on wednesday. -_-
I walked around a couple stores and managed to get a pair of shorts and gloves from Nike. Very exciting. Most of the other stores I walked around were very high class and couldn't really afford to buy anything there. I ALSO FOUND MY BELOVED/EXPENSIVE TRENCHCOAT AT METROPARK <3<3.

The secret of success at Cal:
I found it at Urban Outfitters in Mandalay Bay. When I opened it, I chuckled so loudly that I
think the guy next to me was looking at me weirdly. -_-
There were also very cute lion cubs at MGM grand. <3.>
I think I might be getting sick. While I was sitting in the car coming back to SF, I started to get a sore throat and now my nose is getting runny =(.
I also plan on stopping by the gym at YMCA today because of this awesome deal that they have for college students. wootz.
2 Notes:
Awwww cubby!!
And someone doesn't need the "How to Excel in College" notebook 'cause he seems to have already figured it out. :P
LOLOL i dig the notebook bahahaha.
i lob the kitties :3
and, i can't wait to go exploring! WHEEEWHEHOEHJDFOSJDFKSJF!
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