Sorry I haven't been updating in a while. I've been quite busy from studying for finals and all the prepping for DB banquet.
Let's see what has been going on through out these past couple of days...
Thursday: During my lab practical, my right contact lens was bothering me A LOT. I was very tempted to remove it during the practical but i would've wasted time. Anyways, I walked home constantly squinting my right eye and when I finally took it out, the contact lens split in half. T_T. Oh well. At least I have one more set of contacts before I need to refill them..Anyways, I went to DB elections. Man the results for coach were extremely close. We had to do a run off o_o. Went to the gym to work out and then played with Fatty and Pretty because they came back! <3 <3. Fatty looks chubs now. =|
Friday: Went to Target to get a bookcase and a ottoman. yay! Then went to Serena's place to play various board games such as Settlers and COLD WAR. haha. We also found out that it takes 10 minutes for Brian Ng's face to get red after taking 3 shots.'
Saturday: The only thing I remember this day is staying up all night with the DB officers to prep for banquet. It was quite an experience. Listening to Leehom and JSu talk about his endeavors with him, as well as some Chinese pop star gossip. It was very cold in ED's apartment that night. ><; We didn't finish everything until 9:30am on SUNDAY morning. Ah yes. Sleep Dep. for the lose. -_-This is the blanket I made for Eric Pon. It was very soft. Especially when I was super tired from making it..
Sunday: Took a nap until 2:30. Showered, got ready for banquet. Seeing that we didn't couldn't get a projector in the end, we decided to borrow Yuan's tv (<3 THANKS!) to showcase all the slideshows and stuff. It was pretty sketchy carrying that tv through Embaracerdo center. lol. Banquet was very fun. =) I'm really glad it turned out well. After banquet, we went to Phil's place to play some Warioware and I got to eat more Paella! :D :D I was SUPER tired by the end of the night.
Today: I think my sleeping schedule has been messed up due to studying for lab practical and preparing for banquet. I need to fix it before it's too late =|. Anyways, went to VLSB to study on IB and now I'm in Eschelman with ED and Phil for a Fantasic Four study session. Except Luke isn't there.
Now that I think about it, perhaps it's good that luke isn't there. I don't think we'd get any studying done. lol.
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