Seriously. How do you SoCal people deal with the traffic?!
Anyways. I woke up super early today to get ready for the drive down to Socal. We ended up not leaving until 9 or so because my mom tends to take her time when it comes to getting ready to leave. *sigh*. It's pretty annoying actually. I don't really know how my dad manages to have the patience. (Another note to future self: Don't take all the freaking time putting make up and doing whatever just for a 6-7 hour car ride....>_>)
Pretty much the whole day consisted of sitting in a car. I guess it wasn't too bad in the beginning because it brought back all the times we used to go traveling by car but as we passed grapevine, traffic was TERRIBLE. GAH. It was the worst I had ever seen. AND THERE WERE NO
ACCIDENTS! SHEESH! It was three when we passed through grapevine and we didn't get to my Godparent's house until 6:40. Also, seeing that we're not familiar with the radio channels around here, the music that I was listening to in the car varied from a christmas jazz station to classical to MILEY CYRUS then to country to hip hop (it was hard to hide my approval of the music that was being played in the car at that time.) and then to spanish music. x_x.
When we finally arrived, we ate at a chinese restaurant and then went to the supermarket to get items for the baked goods that my dad asked me to make for tomorrow.

I was originally going to make tiramisu (because I haven't made it in a while) but could not find mar
scapone cheese (>=O!) so I'm making cheesecake instead! =) My dad wanted me to make pumpkin pie but I couldn't find any cans of pumpkin and I'm kind of sick from making so many different sizes of pumpkin pies at
once on Saturday night and Sunday when I was at ED's place. (Will post up the picture later. It consists of baby pumpkin pies and the mama pumpkin pie underneath. )
Once we got back, I ended up watching food network and animal planet on tv. BEST TWO TV CHANNELS EVER. Oh. and I played a little bit of the ps3 too. (My dad wanted to bring it down here bwhaha.)
1 Notes:
lol i still find it funny that your dad wanted to bring the ps3
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