zzyzx road
How fun =)
Merry Christmas!
Too much traffic @_@...
Seriously. How do you SoCal people deal with the traffic?!

Happy 21st Birthday Flooonase!
Or Aunt Flo. Or Florax. (KEKEKEKAKAKAHOHOHO. ._.) Or all the 125443 names that you have been called.

Most were quite sleepy, Out in the taverns, In my own apartment, My roommate was speechless, I drained all the coffee, I stared at my notes, "Some pizza might help," I'd nearly concluded When all of the sudden, His spirit was careless, "What kind of student "On Cliffs Notes! On Crib Notes! His message delivered, "Your teachers have pegged you,twas the night before finals
Twas the night before finals,
And all through the college,
The students were praying
For last minute knowledge.
But none touched their beds,
While visions of essays
Danced in their heads.
A few were still drinking,
And hoping that liquor
Would loosen their thinking.
I had been pacing,
And dreading exams
I soon would be facing.
His nose in his books,
And my comments to him
Drew unfriendly looks.
And brewed a new pot,
No longer caring
That my nerves were shot.
But my thoughts were muddy,
My eyes went ablur,
I just couldn't study.
I said with a shiver,
But each place I called
Refused to deliver.
That life was too cruel,
With futures depending
On grades had in school.
Our door opened wide,
And Patron Saint Put-It-Off
Ambled inside.
His manner was mellow,
He looked all around and
He started to bellow.
Would make such a fuss,
To toss back at teachers
What they tossed at us?"
On Last Year's Exams!
On Wingit and Slingit,
And Last Minute Crams!"
He vanished from sight,
But we heard him exclaiming
Outside in the night.
So just do your best,
Happy Finals to All,
And to all, a good test."
"Hardly more than two percent of the total population, Fieldmarshals are bound to lead others, and from an early age they can be observed taking command of groups. In some cases, they simply find themselves in charge of groups, and are mystified as to how this happened. But the reason is that they have a strong natural urge to give structure and direction wherever they are - to harness people in the field and to direct them to achieve distant goals. They resemble Supervisors in their tendency to establish plans for a task, enterprise, or organization, but Fieldmarshals search more for policy and goals than for regulations and procedures. They cannot not build organizations, and cannot not push to implement their goals. When in charge of an organization, whether in the military, business, education, or government, Fieldmarshals more than any other type desire (and generally have the ability) to visualize where the organization is going, and they seem able to communicate that vision to others. Their organizational and coordinating skills tends to be highly developed, which means that they are likely to be good at systematizing, ordering priorities, generalizing, summarizing, at marshaling evidence, and at demonstrating their ideas. Their ability to organize, however, may be more highly developed than their ability to analyze, and the Fieldmarshal leader may need to turn to an Inventor or Architect to provide this kind of input. Fieldmarshals will usually rise to positions of responsibility and enjoy being executives. They are tireless in their devotion to their jobs and can easily block out other areas of life for the sake of their work. Superb administrators in any field - medicine, law, business, education, government, the military - Fieldmarshals organize their units into smooth-functioning systems, planning in advance, keeping both short-term and long-range objectives well in mind. For the Fieldmarshal, there must always be a goal-directed reason for doing anything, and people's feelings usually are not sufficient reason. They prefer decisions to be based on impersonal data, want to work from well thought-out plans, like to use engineered operations - and they expect others to follow suit. They are ever intent on reducing bureaucratic red tape, task redundancy, and aimless confusion in the workplace, and they are willing to dismiss employees who cannot get with the program and increase their efficiency. Although Fieldmarshals are tolerant of established procedures, they can and will abandon any procedure when it can be shown to be ineffective in accomplishing its goal. Fieldmarshals root out and reject ineffectiveness and inefficiency, and are impatient with repetition of error." http://keirsey.com/handler.aspx?s=keirsey&f=fourtemps&tab=5&c=fieldmarshal Today has been a very annoying day.
Sorry I haven't been updating in a while. I've been quite busy from studying for finals and all the prepping for DB banquet.
Let's see what has been going on through out these past couple of days...
Thursday: During my lab practical, my right contact lens was bothering me A LOT. I was very tempted to remove it during the practical but i would've wasted time. Anyways, I walked home constantly squinting my right eye and when I finally took it out, the contact lens split in half. T_T. Oh well. At least I have one more set of contacts before I need to refill them..Anyways, I went to DB elections. Man the results for coach were extremely close. We had to do a run off o_o. Went to the gym to work out and then played with Fatty and Pretty because they came back! <3 <3. Fatty looks chubs now. =|
Friday: Went to Target to get a bookcase and a ottoman. yay! Then went to Serena's place to play various board games such as Settlers and COLD WAR. haha. We also found out that it takes 10 minutes for Brian Ng's face to get red after taking 3 shots.'
Saturday: The only thing I remember this day is staying up all night with the DB officers to prep for banquet. It was quite an experience. Listening to Leehom and JSu talk about his endeavors with him, as well as some Chinese pop star gossip. It was very cold in ED's apartment that night. ><; We didn't finish everything until 9:30am on SUNDAY morning. Ah yes. Sleep Dep. for the lose. -_-This is the blanket I made for Eric Pon. It was very soft. Especially when I was super tired from making it..
Sunday: Took a nap until 2:30. Showered, got ready for banquet. Seeing that we didn't couldn't get a projector in the end, we decided to borrow Yuan's tv (<3 THANKS!) to showcase all the slideshows and stuff. It was pretty sketchy carrying that tv through Embaracerdo center. lol. Banquet was very fun. =) I'm really glad it turned out well. After banquet, we went to Phil's place to play some Warioware and I got to eat more Paella! :D :D I was SUPER tired by the end of the night.
Today: I think my sleeping schedule has been messed up due to studying for lab practical and preparing for banquet. I need to fix it before it's too late =|. Anyways, went to VLSB to study on IB and now I'm in Eschelman with ED and Phil for a Fantasic Four study session. Except Luke isn't there.
Now that I think about it, perhaps it's good that luke isn't there. I don't think we'd get any studying done. lol.
So spaceous!
So I recently switched rooms in my apartment and now I have my own room! yay! It's really strange to see how spacious it is because I've been so used to living in rooms that are relatively compact ever since I came to college. Now that my sister has pretty much taken my room as hers at home, I haven't really been able to get a lot of private space until now so this is pretty exciting. This is a section that's full of calDB stuff. It's still in the works because I have yet to get a bookshelf so I can place the TI and college race trophies and add more pictures. I also plan on getting a nice chair to put in here. weeeee. Thanks to ED and Jon Su for moving the bed frame..even though there was some 'struggle' in doing so.
I haven't been updating this blog because i've been studying for lab practical. To be honest, I'm pretty scared about this practical because of what everyone else has been saying about it and that I need to do well on this test or else. I stayed up til around 4 or 5 last night drawing out the vertebrate lab stuff + a cladogram. While it was productive, I ended up missing my physics class and bio disc. because I was wayy too tired to wake up -_-. boo.