
Day 2 — Your Crush

Dear Mr. Eric Donn:

You are weird.

You also make silly faces and noises, have road rage worse than my dad (and thats saying a lot.), can be inappropriate at the worst moments, be immature, make me question your actual gender, make stupid decisions, look/act like a dinosaur, monkey, or GREAT TEACHER ONIZUKA, bite/hit me at the most random times, get easily stressed over DB stuff (okay fine i'm guilty as well.), won't let me enter 'cute asian' type stores despite my pouting, have an obsession with a band that made a song the Twlight movie series (forgot the name. muzz?), act as a third wheel and perhaps have one of the most unfortunate initials in the whole wide world.

and yet, I'm fine with that.

If you were stuck on an island with Muse and had an infinite amount of rum, black forest ham, bananas, acme bread, orange juice, ginger beer and niu rou mein you would be in paradise.

Thanks for dealing with my weirdness, weird noises, random moods, insecurities, "I'm hungry" statements, letting me watch you play my video game files/dealing with my fear and hatred of 'Game Over' screens, making fun of you with Muzz your 'inability to get up', food cravings, allowing me to experiment on you with TCM techniques and of course, the fact that I'm actually taller than you but choose to be space efficient.

That is all for now. :)

-ha gow

1 Notes:

Unknown said...


btw, i read the front part as "Dear Ms. Eric Donn..."