Dear Jenn Hom (Green Jenn):

I usually don't like the idea of identifying only one person as a best friend but given how long we've known each other I'd like to say you fit the category. =P. When I first moved to California from Ohio, I was pretty hesitant to make new friends at Alamo. On my first day of school, you were the first person who pretty much came up and introduced yourself when I was wandering around the classroom and playground. Whether it was because we had the same first name or we had similar interests, we instantly became close friends. I still remember the times when I went to your mom's place in San Mateo when we partnered up for the Missionary project and we ended up swimming, when you and I both dressed up to be Mulan for Halloween or how we would have our own inside jokes such as THE FACE (we still do.). hehehe. Good times. I know we had a huge falling apart in middle school and then went our own ways in High school but I'm glad we reconnected here at Cal. As much we have our own opinions towards APO, I'm glad we pledged together or else we would have never reconnected or had as much fun with RHXD or Pcomm. =) It's crazy to say that we've known each other for ELEVEN years now and although we're both really busy, it's always nice when we have lunch or go out to the gym together and reconnect. It's also nice for ED and I to go on double dates with you and Chris. =)
A couple of weeks ago, I was pretty sad that you couldn't make it to the Dragonhouse party and I know you were pretty upset as well but it's totally understandable. I really hope you're not beating yourself up about it=/. Though I must say, that you have got to promise me that you will have to go to at least ONE dragonhouse/birthday party in the future, yeah? lol.
Love, Jen (Pink Jen)
For shits and giggles...
Dear Jay Kim,
Disregarding the previous letter, you are my best friend. I wish I could be as successful and famous as you, Butterfly T. I hope you have fun on your playdate with your EMT friends. Mary and I are so proud of you! :D :D
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