I started the day off by going online to look for some deals that I could possibly get. Despite it being thanksgiving and soon-to-be black friday, Metropark STILL isn't putting up that trenchcoat for sale. rawrrawrr. -_-. Chances are, i have a feeling i'll be getting it tomorrow. We'll see. Too bad Tokidoki didn't have a sale online either. oh well. I then started to surf into all this Tekken stuff, including watching this super old Tekken movie and looking up bios of most of the characters. (Procrastination for the win!). I finally forced myself to finish a webcast and started to organize my biolab stuff. Helped my grandma for a little bit and did some 'quality control' with some mashed potatoes. hehehehe. Hung around the house for a little bit and then finally had dinner. I don't think I've eaten so much crab at one sitting in a long time..Flo showed me this link with all these AWESOME molecule jewelries, such as the one above. The one above is called the 'focus' necklace.
The three molecules featured on this necklace are norepinephrine, acetylcholine, and dopamine, which aid focus and attention.
The necklace is sterling silver and 16 inches long. It comes with a card identifying the molecules and a recycled paper gift box."

Life is coded in the amino acids, which make up proteins. There are 22 different amino acids, each of which has been given a one-letter code as shorthand. So, you can make strings of amino acids that spell things! I've done just that, fashioning the amino acids' chemical shapes in sterling silver, so they can be used as an alphabet to spell words or names.
This sterling silver necklace spells "GEEK," for those of us who like to represent the home team. [G=glycine, E=glutamate, K=lysine]
Glycine Glutamate Glutamate Lysine! hehe.
Okay. I feel like an Asparagine Glutamate Arginine Aspartate
(If you're confused, it stands for NERD).
Oh amino acids. How you entertain me so. ^^.
Anyways, I don't mean to be a downer but it seemed like today was just an ordinary day for our family, except that we got to eat Turkey. Also, my sister got in trouble a couple of times today. My dad yelled at her a couple of times, especially when she didn't come out for dinner because she wanted to 'make her lanyard' and when she kept dicking around when my mom asked her to go work on her math workbook. god. I don't know what to do with her. -_-. Even though I'm only a couple of miles away from home, I don't always come home because of DB or schoolwork. The person who really managed to 'set me straight' was my aunt who, like i mentioned before is in HK and is extremely busy now. I talked to Flo about it a couple of days ago because she went through a similar situation with her little brother and the only thing we concluded was that we felt old for complaining about our siblings. -_-
When I think about it, I've been worried for my sister ever since middle school when my dad got sick and my mom had to start working, not to mention all those fights that occurred back then. To think that shit scarred me makes me wonder how my sister deals with it. SIGH. -_-.
Don't get me wrong. I'm thankful for my family, friends and the life I live. I guess I just wish today was a little more festive with more than just a turkey on the table. =/ Meh.
Happy Thanksgiving! =)
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