
Fail on me. -_-

Monday: Voice was gone. really. it hasn't been like that for a while. Went through the same routine with regards to class EXCEPT that we didn't have lab lecture WOOOOOT. Was pretty tired through out the whole day
Tuesday: Voice was coming back. Went to physics lecture and found that it wasn't Deweese. Then went to VLSB to start on the epic anatomy study fest. yayyy..then had an RHXD reunion at barney's <3. I miss you all. Found out that ED's car got broken into so went back to his place to see what was up and then went to the Post college race DB party. fun fun fun. =)

Wednesday: Woke up late. Went to the library to study again. then went to Serena's for fondue night (yumyum!) and watched Ip Man, which is such an EPIC movie. Cantonese people ftw.!

Thursday: Finding a seat inside FSM is like winning the jackpot. I intended to stay there for the whole time and then got kicked out around 3:30 because the FSM was getting ready for some 'special event' rawrrrrr. Moved into stacks and now i'm here. wootz.

Studying is not fun. Making flashcards aren't either...
By the way, that pile of flashcards only amounts to 3 lectures in anatomy. rawr

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