

You can definitely tell when it's midterm season when the living room and the hallways of dragonhouse are quiet at night. Normally, we're all either watching some random TV show (or ESPN) or the guys in dhouse resort to playing smash. Anyways, I finished my second round of midterms last week so I've been just vegging out but it feels weird that everyone else is engrossed with studying at the moment. I feel like Jay. harhar.

Have you ever had any moments where the food you make just makes you happy because it reminds you of home? This is one of them :).
Seeing that it was Tuesday, I was feeling pretty creative and noticed I had some frozen fish/shrimp and bokchoy laying around. I decided to go and make a dish with it, something that my parents usually make or buy at a restaurant. I got some rice wine (YEAHHHH 21. Though the guy at Berkeley bowl didn't card me and I kind of wished he did) mixed it in some cornstarch w/ soy sauce and marinated the seafood. Then chopped up some garlic, ginger and green onion which was sauteed with oil. Anyways, I made stir fry Seafood bokchoy and RICE. Yes. Rice. Are you shocked as I am?

1 Notes:

Unknown said...

Hey, I resent that >:[