
*self note* Bodyweight squats= no weights...

Seriously, who the hell automatically thinks that you don't need to use weights with 'bodyweight squats'? ..-_-

Yesterday's workout consisted of a series of lat pull downs, barbell squats, rows, and a complex of 5 sets of 15 bodyweight squats then 12 back lunges as fast as possible. Being the smurt girl that I am, I thought bodyweight squats= squatting with almost your weight (105-110) on the squatting rack....balls. -_-....I thought my legs were going to die.

However, my legs aren't as sore as I thought they'd be. My shoulders are more sore though.

Last night, I finally got the chance to see 500 Days of Summer (YAY Justin!). I really enjoyed the movie as you could really put yourself in either Tom's or Summer's shoes when reflecting upon past/current relationships. It reminds yourself how unpredictable relationships and in essence, life can be. One moment, you might tell yourself that you'll only date a specific 'type' of guy and in the next, you might be head over heels over someone you never expected to pay attention to. Also, I don't think Summer is a bitch. It seems like in every breakup, there's usually always the 'victim' and the 'bitch' based on whose side you take upon. While I genuinely felt bad for Tom, you can't blame Summer for being realistic and upfront about her feelings, which sometimes I wish I had the balls for that.