Have you ever had those days where you feel like no matter how much you try and clean, your room still feels very cluttered and messy? I do almost everytime I come back to SF. Everywhere I look in my room, I see random books (MCAT, random Science textbooks, MANY notebooks novels, childrens books, books I didn't even know I had,etc), stuffed toys, plastic toys from my sister and just pens all around. Before my sister starts middle school, I'm going to try and tidy this place up, make it a lot more organized and hope my sister could keep it nicely organized.
When I was younger, my mom used to take me shopping at malls and random department stores a lot. Back then, I hated shopping, especially in places like Ross because their racks would be extremely messy. Being completely bored and bothered by the mess, I would go and organize random things around the store; the watches section, toys, etc. My mom thought it was pretty strange and I'm sure others found it to be as well but it was something to do instead of just standing around and waiting. haha. When I think back to it, I've realized that I usually feel compelled to clean other people's spaces or common areas when I start to notice how cluttered it is but usually don't clean my own space unless it gets in the way of my studying.
Sooner or later, this room is going to be my sister's and perhaps by accepting that, I'm starting to feel more compelled to clear and throw out the clutter that surrounds my room.
I'm going to miss it.
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