
everything is falling apart and it feels like I'm trying to hold on to the remaining pieces


Angel on my shoulder but a devil in my head..

I can't stop listening to this song! ahhh.


Rain rain...

It's been a while since it has rained this hard. =|. It really makes me not want to go to class at all for the whole day and just stay put.

Seeing that I haven't written here in a while, you'd figure that I'd have something to really post here about but to be honest, it's really hard to update when you don't have anything to rant about. haha. Things have been quite busy, though I don't really know why thats the case seeing that I'm taking a break from APO this semester. I must say though, taking a break from APO feels like my circle of friends has been limited now that I no longer go to PRs or CMs or that kind of sort and sometimes, I kind of miss it despite all everything feels so repetitive now. Anyways, I guess I could just list off anything new that's happened so far

1) Pretty and Fatty make me happy. =) Whenever I see them ,my moods suddenly get lifted up and I feel a whole lot more at ease. For those who may not know who pretty and fatty is,, they are these two kittens that were found downstairs Eric's apartment that probably were abandoned. We started to take care of them by giving them canned food and eventually brought them up. When we first met them, one of the cats was extremely social and the other was very shy. We decided to name the social cat, "fatty" because she gobbled up all the food we gave her in the beginning. We named the other cat pretty because her long grey+brown and white coat and blue green eyes just made her look so pretty. Originally, I thought fatty was a boy because she seemed to be extremely adventurous and protective of her sister but it turned out that both of them are girls. We've been trying to find people who would be interested in owning the kittens but so far, nobody has really committed to it. While they can't really stay here for any much longer, I really hope there was some way that they could. =| I will post up pictures of the cats in the near future.
2) I can't say how proud I am to see how CalDB is becoming where it is now. Enough said. However, it seems like everyone has been getting sick (including me) so I hope we start to get better before race day. =|
3) Taking Bio+LAB, anatomy and physics together sucks. In fact, last week sucked with having 2 midterms and a lab quiz (that practically feels like a midterm) while being sick and covered with random flea bites. Now that that round of midterms are over, I feel so much more at ease. .(...and as of now, I have decided not to go to physics just because it's raining SUPER HARD...chances are, I probably wouldn't have paid attention anyways..)
4) Lately, I've been trying to looking some study abroad programs, particularly in Asia that deals with either learning Chinese or TCM. Things haven't been going so well just because applications haven't been sent out. However, there is this one program that I'm interested in where it consists of doing HIV research in China and working with a MCB faculty during the spring to prepare for it. However, I honestly don't know if I could get it just because I feel like my grades aren't good enough and I've been hesitant to ask people for letters of rec now.
5) I have an awesome boyfriend and I'm very glad I get the chance to spend time with him through the ups and downs of our relationship =) (....and let me practically live here.... -_-.... )